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Anger Mangement Classes in Los Angeles


Anger Management has become a "buzz" word.  I have my Google Alerts, set to send me an email when an article about Anger Management appears in the news.  Guess what?  I get several email alerts daily! So how do you decide which Anger Management class to take? I have posted some questions to ask when looking for an anger management class:

Which anger management curriculum is used?

Sherman Oak Anger Management uses the Anderson and Anderson model, highly acclaimed, evidenced based and the only model recognized by the LA Courts. 

Are your instructors all "certified" anger managment facilitators?

Do you use a mixture of lecture, group discussion and multi-media presentations to teach anger management curriculum?

Sherman Oaks Anger Management uses a variety of teaching straegies to accomodate all kinds of learning needs.  We intermix videos, role play, written assignments, group discussion with lecture and practice. 

What is the total cost for the assessment, the workbook and the classes?

At Sherman Oaks Anger Management, individual classes are $20.00 each.  Packages with discounts up to 15% are available for multiple class purchases.  All clients receive an extensive anger profile prior to beginning classes and again at the end of thier series of classes.  The use of pre-and post assessments documents changes in anger management strategies.

What is Executive Coaching?  Executive Coaching is private instruction taught by a licensed mental health professional.  In one on one coaching sessions, material can be presented in depth, quickly and privately.  When appropriate, individual psychotherapy can be included.

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